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Lynn Welch Named 2024 Burke Citizen of the Year

announced October 1, 2024

Lynn WelchEast Burke Village was the place to be on Saturday, September 28th. The 35th Annual Burke Fall Festival drew a large crowd of locals and visitors to the village for a full day of activities including a parade, craft fair, barbeque, music, pony rides and more. The festival is hosted and organized by the Burke Area Chamber of Commerce.

One of the highlights of the event each year is the presentation of the Burke Citizen of the Year award. The purpose of the award is to honor a community member who flies under the radar while quietly giving back to the community through volunteerism and other efforts that benefit local residents. It’s always a surprise for the winner.

This year, Burke Chamber President, John Kascenska surprised Lynn Welch of West Burke with the 2024 Burke Citizen of the Year award. Lynn was unable to be there in person, but her son, Corey Welch, was delighted to accept the award on behalf of his Mother. Several members of her family were there to applaud the award presentation and record it on video.

Upon presenting the award to Corey Welch, Kascenska said, “Like our past awardees, this year’s Citizen of The Year recipient is someone who has been involved in our community for many years. In service to our community, Lynn Welch has been active in so many ways including being a long-time, active coordinator for Hand-To-Hand; President and member of the Board of Directors of the Burke Senior Meal Site; Past member of the Burke Planning Commission; An active member of Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church in Lyndonville, serving on various committees; And, Lynn frequently plays a leadership role in mobilizing efforts to provide assistance to community members and families in emergency need, helping with housing, clothing, furniture, etc.”

Corey Welch and John KascenskaUpon accepting the award plaque, Corey Welch said, “On behalf of my mother I am honored to accept this award. Everything that John just mentioned…she’s an amazing person. She was born in this town and she’ll take her last breath here. You may not know her, but you know someone that does, and someone that she has helped out. This award couldn’t go to a more deserving person.”

Corey Welch face-timed his Mother later that day and shared with her the video of the award presentation, saying she was very emotional when she learned of the recognition. When contacted by the Burke Chamber for comment, Lynn Welch said, “I was totally surprised to say the least that I received this award. We have a lot of wonderful people in our town who volunteer their time and talents. I am extremely honored and humbled to be chosen as the year’s recipient. Thank you very much.”

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