If getting outdoors is your 'thing', then you need to come to Burke, Vermont! Every season is filled with recreational activities for every individual. Burke is home to the nationally recognized Kingdom Trails for casual and extreme mountain biking as well as Nordic skiing, and is also home to Burke Mountain Ski Area for great skiing and riding.
Many snowmobile trails pass through the area for wintertime adventures. Visit the Vermont Association of Snow Travelers or the local snowmobile club, the Burke Drift Skippers for all the info you'll need before you head into the woods.
The Northeast Kingdom is also famous for its pristine glacial lakes and waterways. Clyde River Recreation offers canoe and kayak rentals as well as all-inclusive paddle trips. “LET”S GO KAYAKING”
If you're in need of gear or rentals for your winter or summer expeditions, head into East Burke Sports/Sport Thoma located right in the village or the Village Sport Shop located trailside on Darling Hill Road in Lyndonville.
Kingdom Games hosts over 50 days of running, biking, swimming, triathlon, kayaking, speedskating, pond hockey, and Nordic skating in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Events include The Dandelion Run, Kingdom Swim, Kingdom Marathon (Run, Bike & Hike), Willoughby Swim and Tour de Kingdom.
{ ATV Tours } { Biking } { Golfing } { Hiking } { Horseback Riding } { Ice Climbing } { Nordic Sports } { Skiing } { Snowmobiling } { Water Sports }