From village schools who pride themselves on small class sizes and providing individual attention to each student to a world class skiing academy, the educational opportunities in Burke are varied and unique. We encourage you to learn more about them, consider them for your children's future and support them in their endeavours.
A public school in West Burke serving students in grades K-8.
3293 Burke Hollow Road, West Burke, VT 05871
Vermont State University–Lyndon offers distinct professional programs based in a liberal arts core where every degree is infused with career-ready skills. Our nationally recognized professional programs integrate theory with hands-on experiences to prepare individuals for success. Nestled in northeastern Vermont, this campus of 1,200 students is well known for its tradition of enthusiasm, community service, and friendliness.
1001 College Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
802-626-6413 |
Public School, grades K - 8.
2591 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
The Riverside School is a dynamic PreK-8th grade independent day school. We believe in active learning, patient leadership, engaged citizenship, and supportive community. We are an approved independent school for tuitioning towns, and are accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges as well as members of Independent Schools Association of Northern New England and the Vermont Association of Independent Schools.
30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
Public School, grades K - 8.
1448 Newark Street, Newark, VT 05871
Burke Mountain Academy provides passionate ski racers the opportunity to pursue their limitless academic and athletic potential in a community based on trust. We embrace an ethos in which hard work is held in the highest esteem, and believe risking failure and learning from success are exceptional preparation for life beyond Burke.
60 Alpine Lane, East Burke, VT 05832
802-626-5607 |
Public School, grades K - 8.
3249 Rte. 122, Sheffield, VT 05866
Kingdom Adventures Mountain Guides is the provider in Northern Vermont of training and certification courses in wilderness medicine for outdoor recreationists that includes Urban First Aid & CPR, Wilderness First Aid, and Wilderness First Responder. Programs are also available in rock and ice climbing, general mountaineering, avalanche education, and international trekking opportunities to Nepal in partnership with regional guide services. Retail sale of outdoor products are also available through Kingdom Adventures Mountain Gear, both online and at our physical location. Brands such as Hyperlite Mountain Gear (lightweight and weather-proof backpacks, stuff sacks, accessories) are carried year-round.
275 Mountain Road, East Burke, VT 05832
802-274-4112 |
Thaddeus Stevens School offers a rigorous, dynamic, and integrated program to students in grades preschool through eighth. We promote academic excellence, authentic scholarship, and personal integrity. The school maintains a culture where students are encouraged to use their voices and authentic scholarship on behalf of themselves and others.
638 Route 114, East Burke, VT 05832
East Burke School is an approved and publicly funded independent school for students in grades 8-12. With a new mission inspired by the pandemic's challenges and opportunities, EBS is pioneering education in climate and community resilience. Our mission is to prepare our students to confront 21st-century challenges through critical literacy, creative thinking, and collaborative action. Together with families and local partners, we are raising the next generation of Vermonters to steward our land and communities for the sake of generations to come.
611 Vermont Route 114, East Burke, VT 05832
802-626-8317 |
Founded in 1867, Lyndon Institute is dedicated to providing a unique educational experience for our students that leads to a lifetime of learning and good citizenship. We are an independent and comprehensive high school for grades 9 - 12, offering a 150-course curriculum specializing in core and honors academics, fine and performing arts, and technical and career programs.
168 Institute Circle, Lyndon Center, VT 05850
802-535-3636 |
Public School, grades K - 8.
95 Underpass Road, Sutton, VT 05867-9739